Pickpocket Video Licensing:

From 1993 to the present, Bob Arno has spent a large portion of every year in the field, on the streets of the world’s favorite travel destinations, where he finds, follows, and films street thieves in action. With hidden video cameras, he films pickpockets and con artists as they prowl for victims, and during their acts of theft. When possible, he then conducts interviews with these perpetrators, sometimes filming with their consent, sometimes using hidden cameras. Bob then studies, analyzes, and categorizes the pickpocket video footage. Select portions of his vast archive are used to train law enforcement and security forces, while other portions are used to teach the traveling public how to avoid becoming victims. Under certain circumstances, Bob’s unique video may be available for licensing.
“As thiefhunters, we use sophisticated video equipment that no police department can afford. And we’re immune to the regulations under which government agencies must work. No one pulls our strings.” —Bob Arno
Bob Arno is a recognized authority on global street crime, with emphasis on pickpockets and the act of pickpocketing, identity theft, and personal theft prevention. His areas of expertise include pre-incident behavior, technique, methodology, and motivation. He is a frequent presenter to law enforcement as well as to lay audiences. Keynotes include Tourism Safety & Security conferences and pre-Super Bowl seminars for law enforcement and security professionals. He gives 30-40 workshops per year to business groups and lay audiences. He has been profiled or quoted on CNN, NPR, ABC 20/20, in The New York Times, USAToday, Time, Fortune, Kiplinger Financial Magazine, Chicago Tribune, etc.

The National Geographic film “Pickpocket King“ is a documentary about Bob Arno’s infiltration of a gang of mafia thieves in Italy.