Upskirt Oslo Central Train Station — Why you shouldn’t wear a dress in Oslo

Upskirt Oslo Central Train Station
Glass windows in the floor of the Oslo Central Train Station

What kind of perv built this place?

This is the Central Train Station in Oslo, Norway. The first time I passed through the station I was wearing a dress. The moment you come up the escalator or stairs, you’re confronted with glass windows in the floor. No warning.

Now, glass windows on the floor are a little weird to step on in any case. If you’re a woman in a dress, it’s just creepy.

Upskirt Oslo Central Train Station
Why you shouldn’t wear a dress in Oslo
Upskirt Oslo Central Train Station
The view from below. Dramatic lighting helps.

When the station is busy, you can be swept across those pervert peepshows whether you like it or not.

Upskirt Oslo Central Train Station

Downstairs, under the peephole windows, are walkways, plaza like spaces, a cafe, and possibly an encampment of trolls. Yep, there’s a clear view up through the floor windows. The most expensive cup of coffee in the world comes with crotch shots. Not that Norwegian women are big on dresses—a central train station feature like this would put me off dresses, too, I can relate!—but we’re talking about the main transportation hub in a capitol city. Who designed this “feature”?

The station gets a plus for the public piano anyone can play, and another plus for the upside-down tree out front (when I was there). But these glass peepholes in the floor? Fail!

I was so distracted I searched for perverts instead of pickpockets.

Upskirt Oslo Central Train Station
Upside-down tree in front of the train station.
Upskirt Oslo Central Train Station
Upside-down tree in front of the Oslo Central Train Station

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