United Airlines’ boorish clientele

United Airlines' boorish clientele: United begs its airport lounge customers to behave
United begs its airport lounge customers to behave

Just wondering: what kind of clientele does United Airlines have? I mean, is it really necessary to place a formal request on each coffee table, telling its airport lounge guests to keep their feet off the furniture?

And the advance explanation, “As a courtesy,” as if anticipating the obvious follow-on question that surely comes from that feet-on-furniture breed, “why not?”—isn’t it a bit subtle?

Does United mean feet or shoes? Does it matter?

Are people really such pigs?

Is this what happens when lounge membership includes everyone who gets the first-year-no-annual-fee United-branded Visa card? (And is that why the lounges are so crowded?)

Survey: Do you put your shoes on the furniture at home?

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1 Comment

  1. I remember signs in Greyhound buses saying No Spitting on the Floor. So it seems we must be reminded to behave.

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