My 2008 travel stats

Yet another hotel bed
Yet another hotel bed

Mid-08, I noted my travel stats year-to-date. Here’s how the year wrapped up.

I made 105 takeoffs and landings during the calendar year. I stayed 162 nights in beds not my own or on planes. A record low for the past few years; probably for the past 15 years, except for 1996 and 1997, when we had a couple of very long-term gigs (and almost grew roots).

This is good, and by design. Although Bob and I still love travel, I’ve felt the urge to indulge my homebodiness more: to enjoy our home, cook, entertain, and get things done that can’t be done on the road. So we’ve made more trips: more domestic, fewer international. That means fewer flight segments per trip and fewer hours in the air. It’s still a lot, though.

2007 had 115 take-offs and landings and 176 nights away from home.

2006 had 117 flights and 184 hotel nights.

199 hotel nights in 2005; 222 in 2004.

I’m not counting any prior years, but I think they were higher still.
©copyright 2000-2009. All rights reserved. Bambi Vincent

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