They’re Ravin’

The Raven, twisted to my pleasure. Thanks, Edgar Allan Poe.
For all the entertainment bookers and speaker bureau agents who make our comedy shows and anti-theft keynotes possible:

They’re Ravin’

ONCE UPON a midnight dreary,
agents pondered, late and leery,
Over many a quaint and curious video that bored,
While they nodded, nearly napping,
suddenly there came a tapping,
As of people wildly clapping, clapping for a show adored.
“‘Tis Bob Arno,” the agents uttered,
“whom the audience adored—
         ‘Tis their ravin’. He has scored!”

AH, DISTINCTLY they remember
many events throughout November
And all the clients in September who saw the show and then were floored.
Suddenly they knew tomorrow
they’d book Bob Arno without sorrow,
Book him as an evening star (though star’s a term they all abhorred).
Ask Bob-the-maven in his haven:
your fee and rider—can we afford?
         Quoth the maven, “Even more!”

“BAH HUMBUG,” Bob said winking “Wishes—
best for the New Year, I implore,
And to a prosperous year together, and a symbiotical rapport,
Happy New Year, says Bob Arno,
         Quoth the ravers: “Give us more!”

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

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1 Comment

  1. Clever! Write lots more of Arno lore.

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