Technical Requirements
Bob’s very visual presentation is best appreciated when all audience members can see and hear well.
[CAVEAT: For small groups and intimate settings, it may be possible to drastically reduce our technical requirements. The ultimate goal is to be seen and heard well– perfectly– by all audience members. We are willing to consider modifications to these technical items and help you keep costs down, whenever doing so will not impact the quality of our presentation.]
Stage. A raised platform of 8′ x 12′ x 12″ minimum with stairs front and sides (depending on size of audience and venue).
Sound. A first class sound system and technical support during the presentation. Internal, built-in, hotel PA systems are usually not adequate. A cordless headset microphone. A cordless hand-held microphone (for large audiences, as a backup, and an adjustable, straight mic stand with a round base, not a tripod base). One on-stage sound monitor (depending on venue). A device for our play-on and play-off music MP3 files we bring on a thumbdrive.
Lights. Stage lighting and/OR one or two follow spots to adequately light Bob Arno during his presentation (depending on venue).
Video. A video projector with inputs for composite video/RCA connectors. Device for playing our video from a USB drive. A 9′ x 12′ or larger dressed projection screen (front or rear projection), large enough for all audience members to see well.
iMag. Image magnification for audiences over 700 is highly recommended.
Backstage. A small dressing area (i.e. pipe & drape, or behind video screen) behind or beside the stage for a quick change mid-show. Furnish with a few chairs, a lamp if necessary, and a full-length mirror. (In a hotel ballroom, sometimes a staff service area will suffice if access is very close to the stage.)
Dressing room. If the presentation is not at the hotel where Bob Arno is staying; a private lockable dressing room or waiting area near the stage should be reserved for Bob Arno’s private use before and after his presentation. Please furnish with clothes rack, full-length mirror, two chairs, and a table.
Rehearsal. An uninterrupted one-hour rehearsal with a/v tech crew, no less than three hours before presentation (depending on crew and venue).
Any questions? Just ask!