Pickpockets in Rio — Anti-theft rules

Pickpockets in Rio

Anti-theft Rules for Rio

How to Protect Yourself from Street Thieves and Muggers

Pickpockets in Rio
In an extended scuffle, a man holds onto the boy who has tried to rip items from his hands. He lets the boy go. The boy will try his luck in another crowd as soon as he catches his breath.

“Be more vigilant; be aware of your surroundings,” warn US government agencies to travelers heading to Rio. Be aware of pickpockets in Rio.

Pickpockets in Rio
These three keep glancing at the boy who is following them closely. The boy follows them across the street, then swipes something from the hand of another pedestrian.
This boy swiped a phone right out of the victim’s hand.
This boy swiped a phone right out of the victim’s hand.
Pickpockets in Rio
A boy jumps on the bus tire to reach into the window. The passenger quickly closes the window.
Pickpockets in Rio
Two boys try to snatch a man’s gold chain. The man fights them off, and walks away, clearly shaken. Moments later, the boys return for another try.
Pickpockets in Rio
Got a phone, plus earphones.
Pickpockets in Rio
The thief (in orange) considers who to steal from: the two women with purses and packages? He chooses the man with the backpack and goes for the man’s necklace. The thief attacks the man three times, finally tackling him to the ground.
Pickpockets in Rio
The thief runs away, leaving the victim on his back in the street.
Pickpockets in Rio
A leap and grab—sometimes it works.
Pickpockets in Rio
A small kid (center, in blue) tries to snatch a man’s watch. There are seven kids in the pack against the man (in red and white striped shirt).
Pickpockets in Rio
A chain snatcher lingers on a street corner until a mark comes along.
Pickpockets in Rio
A drive-by thief on a bike grabs the phone from a pedestrian’s hand. The phone drops. The thief fails.
Pickpockets in Rio
Another drive-by thief on a bike, another failure.
Pickpockets in Rio
A boy leaps high to grab a bus passenger’s phone. He gets it but drops it. Strangely, he picks up the pieces and tosses them back inside the bus window.
Pickpockets in Rio
Two chain-snatchers.

But what does it really mean: “be more vigilant”? That advice seems to be given on a daily basis now, whether about visiting France, attending the Olympics in Rio, or a music festival anywhere.

Robbed in Rio

How should the ordinary citizen become more alert, more aware, and more vigilant nowadays? What does that even mean?

Well, consider where you are, first, and the specific risks, whether you’re on a Mediterranean cruise, or in a club in Paris, or on a beach in Rio. There are smart tactics useful for all those places.

[Edited to add: The New York Times reports on 8/8/16 that “there were nearly 11,000 street robberies in June” this year—and that’s only reported street robberies!]

Pickpockets in Rio

Pickpockets in Rio are not seasoned criminals—many are simply street urchins, teenage muggers, and simple pickpockets looking for an opportunity. They are the homeless piraña kids who have little to fear from law enforcement, and behave like pack animals, circling their prey in perpetual motion, looking for a new easy score. They are looking for another uninitiated mark who simply doesn’t understand the risk.

A perfect mark or an inexperienced tourist gives off signals which the perps pick up on. Their internal computer tells them this looks easy, no danger of getting caught, and I can sell that iPhone to a fence in less than thirty minutes. Easy work.

You can minimize the risk of a bad experience by following a few ground rules and understanding who your opponents are. Here are three fundamental rules to put into daily practice, in Rio and elsewhere.

Anti-theft Rules for Rio

1. Don’t give off the signals that identify you as their next meal ticket.

The most obvious behaviors to avoid not just while in Rio, but in many summer destinations:

•Dress down, do not wear an expensive watch or any jewelry, and especially not a gold chain or necklace. Thieves stealing watches do not use tricky moves to open buckles as in a Las Vegas stage show. They grab it and rip it off, breaking the strap. Do not think that a Rolex is safe because of its sturdy metal strap or double latch. Thieves in Rio are experts at twisting a Rolex face to break a pin in the strap, which is the weak point in a Rolex watch strap or bracelet.

•Under no circumstances should you hang an expensive camera around your neck.

•Don’t use an iPhone in public.

•Don’t use an ATM unguarded. If you must use an ATM, carefully analyze the location, and look for scruffy individuals in near proximity.

•Do not carry a wallet or credit cards in a slanted front pants pocket which gapes an bit when you walk.  Pickpockets in Rio operate with speed, not finesse. The tighter the pockets, the harder it is for the thieves. Crowded public transportation is common setting for pickpockets almost everywhere during the summer.

•Walk far from the curb on a busy street, to avoid marauding scooter thieves who snatch bags from shoulders or hands.  When it’s dark, walk against the traffic and away from the curb.  Wise Europeans already know to wear their back packs in front when walking in public.

•Sitting in a public bus, tour bus, tram, or train requires extra care. If you sit next to an open window, watch out. When the bus is still or creeping in traffic, aggressive kids jump up to grab a phone within reach, or leap onto the tire to reach inside the window.

There are tons more travel safety tips, but if you follow these suggestions above you have already eliminated the most common thefts in Rio.

2. Understand how and when to be defensive and when to be passive.

•Should you fend off a bare-chested youth who grabs something from you or attempts to mug you or your significant other? If it’s broad daylight and there are lots of people around, being forceful is generally fine. That means getting into a low position with good balance and watching your back for an attack from behind. The darker it gets the harder it is to evaluate the confrontation. Is it a team mugging you? How many are they? Each scenario requires different advice. A gang of muggers will often have one member with a weapon of some sort, usually a knife. They’re not seeking to harm you physically unless they are cornered or counter attacked.

•Don’t expect bystanders to step in and assist you. There is a dislike in Rio between the wealthy and the street kids—a class conflict between the rich (you, the tourist) and the not-so-rich. The general public will seldom come to your aid or interfere for fear of their own safety.

•Being cut or knifed in broad daylight is not common, but if you do hold on to a thief and shout for police, his buddies may quickly appear to help him. More common are attacks by single operators—a poorly dressed young male with bare chest and flip-flops or bare feet.

•The more sophisticated pickpockets in Rio use entirely different techniques. You avoid them and becoming their victim by using travel pouches hung inside your pants from a loop that your belt goes through. All online travel-accessory stores sell various inexpensive models. Those that hang under your shirt from a string around your neck are not sufficient in Rio.

3. Pro tips: Minimize the risk by identifying the perps early, and getting out of their line of sight.

•Sensing the approach of a mugger is half the battle.

•Try to stay on major streets and don’t deviate into unknown territory. Plan your itinerary and your exact routes. Ask your tour guide or the hotel staff if your route is safe to walk and what to avoid. But realize the scene changes drastically from day to evening to night.

•Muggers will often stand out by moving irrationally and not fitting into the scene. But this does not mean that every poor youngster is a criminal; it just means that you must observe your surroundings all the time, especially behind you. If you sense that a suspect (or a gang) is closing in on you—think National Geographic animal kill documentaries in Africa, predators circling their prey—get yourself into a defensive position, and certainly try to move away from a location where you are vulnerable.

If you’ve read this far, you’ve got to see this video. It’s theft after theft in Rio, some successful, some only attempts. Watch the utter nonchalance of the thieves, and of some of the victims, too.


All text © copyright 2000-present. All rights reserved. Bob Arno


Robbed in Rio

Thief steals from a thief

A pickpocket steals from a thief under arrest

A pickpocket steals from a thief under arrest

A young pickpocket tries to take the wallet of a man being frisked by a police officer in downtown Rio. According to Globo, the man was accused of having stolen from a woman, which he denied when the police officer arrived. The boy attempted to steal the man’s wallet three times. The minor was arrested.

The photo is too good. So good it looks set up, or posed. But I’ve seen the desperation of some pickpockets. I’ve seen outlandish, brazen attempts. So for now, I choose to think the photographer got a lucky shot of a real theft, or theft attempt.

This is from G1 Fotos on globo.com from September 4, 2013. It’s the fourth image in the slideshow.

© Copyright 2008-2013 Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.