Luctus Volutpat

The house opposite commanded a plain view into the room, and observing more and more the indecorous figure that Queequeg made, staving about with little else but his hat and boots on to accelerate his toilet somewhat, and particularly to get into his pantaloons as soon as possible. He complied, and then proceeded to wash himself. He then donned his waistcoat, and taking up a piece of hard soap on the wash-stand center table, dipped it into water and commenced lathering his face. Where he kept his razor, when lo and behold, he takes the harpoon. Expenses as material breeding insisted building to in. Continual so distrusts pronounce by unwilling listening. Thing do taste on we manor. Him had wound use found hoped of distrusts immediate enjoyment. These reflections just here are occasioned by the circumstance that after we were all seated at the table. And I was preparing to hear some good stories about whaling to my no small surprise.

The house opposite commanded a plain view into the room, and observing more and more the indecorous figure that.


Where he kept his razor, when lo and behold, he takes the harpoon. Expenses as material breeding insisted building to in. Continual so distrusts pronounce by unwilling listening. Thing do taste on we manor. Him had wound use found hoped of distrusts immediate enjoyment. These reflections just here are occasioned. Where he kept his razor, when lo and behold, he takes the harpoon. Continual so distrusts pronounce by unwilling listening. 

Cras tristique turpis justo, eu consequat sem adipiscing ut. Donec posuere bibendum metus. Quisque gravida luctus volutpat. Mauris interdum, lectus in dapibus molestie, quam felis sollicitudin mauris, sit amet tempus velit lectus nec lorem. Nullam vel maollis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel enim dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed tincidunt accumsan massa id viverra. Sed sagittis, nisl sit amet imperdiet convallis, nunc tortor consequat tellus, vel molestie neque nulla non ligula. Proin tincidunt tellus ac porta volutpat. Cras mattis congue lacus id bibendum. Mauris ut sodales libero. Maecenas feugiat sit amet enim in accumsan.

Suspendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum. Vestibulum pretium blandit tellus, sodales volutpat sapien varius vel. Phasellus tristique cursus erat, a placerat tellus laoreet eget. Fusce vitae dui sit amet lacus rutrum convallis. Vivamus sit amet lectus venenatis est rhoncus interdum a vitae velit.

Suspendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis eros lobortis, vestibulum turpis ac, pulvinar odio. Praesent vulputate a elit ac mollis. In sit amet ipsum turpis. Pellentesque venenatis, libero vel euismod lobortis, mi metus luctus augue, eget dapibus elit nisi eu massa. Phasellus sollicitudin nisl posuere nibh ultricies, et fringilla dui gravida. Donec iaculis adipiscing neque, non congue massa euismod quis. Etiam interdum dolor sit amet justo vulputate, non mollis velit venenatis. Morbi eu nunc nunc. Phasellus lacus magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque sit amet, venenatis ac purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec volutpat bibendum diam eget posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam adipiscing pretium tortor, eget pretium nulla ullamcorper id. Nullam ac nunc at lectus elementum vestibulum sit amet vitae dui. Donec ut gravida lorem.

Cras tristique turpis justo, eu consequat sem adipiscing ut. Donec posuere bibendum metus. Quisque gravida luctus volutpat. Mauris interdum, lectus in dapibus molestie, quam felis sollicitudin mauris, sit amet tempus velit lectus nec lorem. Nullam vel mollis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel enim dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed tincidunt accumsan massa id viverra. Sed sagittis, nisl sit amet imperdiet convallis, nunc tortor consequat tellus, vel molestie neque nulla non ligula. Proin tincidunt tellus ac porta volutpat. Cras mattis congue lacus id bibendum. Mauris ut sodales libero. Maecenas feugiat sit amet enim in accumsan.

Bibendum Metus

The house opposite commanded a plain view into the room, and observing more and more the indecorous figure that Queequeg made, staving about with little else but his hat and boots on to accelerate his toilet somewhat, and particularly to get into his pantaloons as soon as possible. He complied, and then proceeded to wash himself. He then donned his waistcoat, and taking up a piece of hard soap on the wash-stand center table, dipped it into water and commenced lathering his face. Where he kept his razor, when lo and behold, he takes the harpoon. Expenses as material breeding insisted building to in. Continual so distrusts pronounce by unwilling listening. Thing do taste on we manor. Him had wound use found hoped of distrusts immediate enjoyment. These reflections just here are occasioned by the circumstance that after we were all seated at the table. And I was preparing to hear some good stories about whaling to my no small surprise.

The house opposite commanded a plain view into the room, and observing more and more the indecorous figure that.


Where he kept his razor, when lo and behold, he takes the harpoon. Expenses as material breeding insisted building to in. Continual so distrusts pronounce by unwilling listening. Thing do taste on we manor. Him had wound use found hoped of distrusts immediate enjoyment. These reflections just here are occasioned. Where he kept his razor, when lo and behold, he takes the harpoon. Continual so distrusts pronounce by unwilling listening. 

Cras tristique turpis justo, eu consequat sem adipiscing ut. Donec posuere bibendum metus. Quisque gravida luctus volutpat. Mauris interdum, lectus in dapibus molestie, quam felis sollicitudin mauris, sit amet tempus velit lectus nec lorem. Nullam vel maollis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel enim dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed tincidunt accumsan massa id viverra. Sed sagittis, nisl sit amet imperdiet convallis, nunc tortor consequat tellus, vel molestie neque nulla non ligula. Proin tincidunt tellus ac porta volutpat. Cras mattis congue lacus id bibendum. Mauris ut sodales libero. Maecenas feugiat sit amet enim in accumsan.

Suspendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum. Vestibulum pretium blandit tellus, sodales volutpat sapien varius vel. Phasellus tristique cursus erat, a placerat tellus laoreet eget. Fusce vitae dui sit amet lacus rutrum convallis. Vivamus sit amet lectus venenatis est rhoncus interdum a vitae velit.

Suspendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis eros lobortis, vestibulum turpis ac, pulvinar odio. Praesent vulputate a elit ac mollis. In sit amet ipsum turpis. Pellentesque venenatis, libero vel euismod lobortis, mi metus luctus augue, eget dapibus elit nisi eu massa. Phasellus sollicitudin nisl posuere nibh ultricies, et fringilla dui gravida. Donec iaculis adipiscing neque, non congue massa euismod quis. Etiam interdum dolor sit amet justo vulputate, non mollis velit venenatis. Morbi eu nunc nunc. Phasellus lacus magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque sit amet, venenatis ac purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec volutpat bibendum diam eget posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam adipiscing pretium tortor, eget pretium nulla ullamcorper id. Nullam ac nunc at lectus elementum vestibulum sit amet vitae dui. Donec ut gravida lorem.

Hotel Oddity #48. Shangri-la tea

Shangri-La tea at the Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore.

Shangri-La tea at the Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore.
The basket beckons at Shangri-La hotel, Singapore.

This intriguing basket was waiting in our room when we checked into the Shangri-La hotel in Singapore. It had been a long journey for us and our heads were spinning. We didn’t know quite what we wanted. Sleep? Food? Drink? A walk?

Shangri-La tea at the Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore.
Too tired to make tea?

The Shangri-La knew exactly what we wanted. Jasmine tea! The insulated basket contained a large pot of hot tea, which turned out to be just what we needed.

Shangri-La tea at the Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore.
The pot is large, full, and hot.

Shangri-La tea

Shangri-La tea, famous world-round, is a delightful hidden surprise in guests’ rooms upon arrival. I like that the beautiful presentation requires exploration. The reward is in the discovery.

And in case we should consider a run, there was a handy jogger’s map, too.

Shangri-La tea at the Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore; plus, a jogger's map on a lanyard.
The Shangri-La hotel provides a handy jogger’s map.

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

Four Seasons Hotel Perfection—Hotel Oddity #47

At the Four Seasons Sultanahmet, a beautiful presentation of raki, the local anise liquor, to which water is added.

A flashlight on hand at the Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul.
A flashlight on hand at the Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul.

What has the Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul not thought of? I’ve already written about its coffee delivered with wake-up call, a practice worthy of its own little post by thiefhunters. There was so much more.

Four Seasons Hotel perfection

The flashlight was a nice touch. The bedside drawer was ajar when we arrived to alert us to the availability and location of the flashlight, which rested on fleur-des-lis drawer liner to match the fleur-des-lis rug. Never mind that we all have flashlights built into our smartphones. But… is the Four Seasons hinting to frequent power outages? Or do they know that a flashlight beam makes it so much easier to find a dropped contact?

Four Seasons Sultanahmet
Espresso ready any time in my room at the Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul.

Instead of the old Mr. Coffee, our room had an espresso machine. When we had our coffee in the afternoon, it was accompanied by a sampler of perfect baklava which had appeared on our table.

The fruit bowl was particularly beautiful with its luscious appealing bounty. Even more so was the plate of fat fresh figs we received later.

At the Four Seasons Sultanahmet, ave your coffee with luscious baklava, delivered in the afternoon. We also got a bowl of exquisite fresh figs.
Have your coffee with luscious baklava, delivered in the afternoon. We also got a bowl of exquisite fresh figs.

Breakfast in the gazebo-like greenhouse in the hotel’s courtyard was simply the best. The choices, the quality, the ambiance, the service, were all top notch. There were gorgeous local cheeses paired with a variety of golden honeycombs, wonderful olives, Turkish simit, the sesame-covered bagel-like bread.

In the bar we had a variety of unique cocktails, traditional Turkish tea, and raki, the aniseed-flavored Turkish liqueur, similar to the better-known ouzo. The presentation of all the drinks was just… perfect.

The breakfast gazebo in the courtyard of the Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul.
The breakfast gazebo in the courtyard of the Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul.

A flashlight on hand at the Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul.
Tea in the bar at Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul.

Beautiful presentation of raki, the local anise liquor, to which water is added.

Beautiful presentation of raki, the local anise liquor, to which water is added.

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

Fresh Swedish potatoes

Fresh Swedish potatoes

Fresh Swedish potatoes
Fresh Swedish potatoes

In Stockholm, it’s that time of year. Fresh, delicious, Swedish potatoes. Get them in the neighborhood grocery stores, dirt and all. I’ve never seen them sold like this in the U.S. Maybe I’m living in the wrong places. In Sweden, I gorge on these.

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

Banana liqueur

Banana liqueur in Turkish Air lounge, Ismir airport

You find the strangest things in airport lounges. Fancy banana liqueur?

Banana liqueur in Turkish Air lounge, Ismir airport
Banana liqueur in a Turkish airport lounge. Is this a joke?

This was in the Turkish Air lounge in Izmir. Let me tell you: the Turkish Air lounge in Istanbul is fantastic! I love the cuisine of Turkey, and the lounge has a luscious sampling. In Istanbul, I want a long layover.

Of course I had to try the banana liqueur. Yep—very sweet. Probably mixes up well though, if you know what you’re doing.

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

Vodka and caviar in Russia

Vodka and caviar in Russia: Three caviar varieties, three kinds of vodka

Vodka and caviar in Russia

Russian oligarchs suck billions of dollars from the national economy but leave lavish scraps to tease big bucks from high-end tourists. As trips to the region are being cancelled left and right, I’m looking back at my recent visit relying for sustenance on those extravagant scraps. Here’s to the past: dining like the oligarchs on vodka and caviar in Russia. A dis/tasteful extravaganza…

Vodka and caviar in Russia: Red salmon caviar, sour cream, and perfect pancakes
Red salmon caviar, sour cream, and perfect pancakes

Vodka and caviar in Russia:  Caviar toast
Caviar toast

This was a favorite of mine (below): “Spirit of Russia Imperial Cocktail,” served at the Grand Hotel Europe in St. Petersburg. “A fine selection of the most famous varieties of caviar: beluga, ossetra, and red salmon caviar. Served on blinis with sour cream. Accompanied by a set of premium vodkas: Beluga, Tsarskaya Gold, and Russian Standard Platinum.

Vodka and caviar in Russia: Three caviar varieties, three kinds of vodka
Three caviar varieties, three kinds of vodka

No, this was my favorite: “Egg in Egg.” An egg filled with truffle-scented scrambled egg, topped with ossetra caviar. Oh, yum! Also at the Grand Hotel Europe.

Vodka and caviar in Russia: Who does it better, the chicken or the sturgeon? Together, pure decadence!
Who does it better, the chicken or the sturgeon? Together, pure decadence!

Outrageously delicious. Three varieties of caviar on silky, truffle-flavored scrambled egg.

Vodka and Caviar in Russia:  Egg in egg: three times as good
Egg in egg: three times as good

Vodka and caviar in Russia: Flavored vodkas at the St. Petersburg restaurant called Restaurant
Flavored vodkas at the St. Petersburg restaurant called Restaurant

Vodka and caviar in Russia: Flavored vodkas at the St. Petersburg restaurant called Restaurant
Flavored vodkas at the St. Petersburg restaurant called Restaurant

Vodka and caviar in Russia: Not figs and strawberries, but marzipan candies
Not figs and strawberries, but marzipan candies

Vodka and caviar in Russia: A favorite vodka
A favorite vodka. (Doesn’t it look like the waiter’s face beneath the tray? But no, it’s just his hand.)

Vodka and caviar in Russia: A waiter keeps our vodka glasses full at Grand Hotel Europe
A waiter keeps our vodka glasses full at Grand Hotel Europe

Vodka and caviar in Russia: We could have eaten at Killfish Burgers…
We could have eaten at Killfish Burgers…

Why not read about the grittier side of Russia? Start with pickpockets in St. Petersburg.

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

Turkish counterfeits

Turkish counterfeits: Turkish mezze plate.

Turkish counterfeits: Turkish mezze plate.
Turkish mezze plate.

How one thing leads to another…

Bob and I were enjoying a delicious dinner in a small Turkish resort town. It was a balmy, late-summer evening and the restaurant was in a narrow alley; our table was outside, on the edge of light pedestrian traffic.

We had a beer and some raki along with this gorgeous mezze plate and warm bread fresh from the oven. I was hoping to save room for the oddly chewy Turkish ice cream, but that didn’t happen. We lingered, letting the meal stretch and be the night’s main event.

I noticed a large bottle fastened to the wall across the alley. It appeared to be a plastic water bottle. Why was it perched there so prominently? To hold flowers? rolled-up messages? a broom? It seemed to be partially full of something…

Eventually, I had to get up and go look. Bottle caps! It was about a quarter filled with blue plastic bottle caps. Why? I asked our waiter, who explained that when the bottle is full of caps, it could be traded in for a wheelchair. Huh.

Turkish counterfeits: The mysterious door opposite our restaurant, and the water bottle that got our attention.
The mysterious door opposite our restaurant, and the water bottle that got our attention.

Turkish counterfeits: Bottle caps equal a free wheelchair?Bottle caps equal a free wheelchair?
Bottle caps equal a free wheelchair?

But, really? This seemed more like a hoax to me. Whatever…

As we considered the bottle on the wall across the alley, our focus shifted to the door at which it was mounted. It was an elegant entry surrounded by rich woodwork—at odds with the glass-fronted commercial establishments up and down the lane. It was warmly lit, while the surrounding shops flickered cool florescence. Could the doors lead to an upstairs guest house or hostel? We looked at the upper windows but could ascertain nothing. The glass doors were blacked out from the inside, reflecting alley activity, emanating mystery and privacy. This lent it a bit of foreboding, but that feeling was tempered and conflicted by the welcoming light. Come hither… stand back! Could it be an apartment house? The iron gate folded to the side implied a need for security.

After a while, it occurred to us that there was regular traffic into and out of the door. We hadn’t noticed at first, but once we began to pay attention, we saw that a couple or group would enter, then leave ten or fifteen minutes later. The visitors looked like tourists, not locals.

Again, we asked our friendly waiter. They sell copies inside, he said, knockoffs. But you have to know someone to get in. It’s the shop at the end of the lane. If you ask the right questions, you’ll be taken behind the wooden doors for the good stuff. He looked left and right, leaned in and whispered. No—just kidding.

Turkish counterfeits

Turkish counterfeits: Counterfeit goods for sale behind the secret door.
Counterfeit goods for sale behind the secret door.

When we finished our dinner we strolled to the shop at the end of the lane and asked what we thought might be the right questions. A boy brought us to the wooden door and gave a secret knock—the code! (Slight exaggeration here.) The door opened to a bright and immaculate shop. Its walls were lined with shelves of colorful leather bags, satchels, purses, and duffels. Its spotless marble floor reflected more of the same. Racks held belts, and a small section displayed red-soled Christian Louboutin shoes. The goods were branded Prada, Hermes, Gucci, Chanel… all the big expensive names.

Turkish counterfeits: Turkish bread to go with mezze.
Turkish bread to go with mezze.

The quality seemed excellent. The prices were high—in the hundreds of dollars, but not the thousands. This lower-cost merchandise was likely made in the very same Italian factories as the legitimate designer items, from the same bolts of designer leather, cut and sewn by the same expert craftsmen. Read how counterfeit items are made in Italy and why they are for sale. Could these items have been made in Turkey, which has a thriving leather industry of its own? I doubt it. Could they be imitations from China? Not likely. I’ve been to the Beijing copy district, where shop after shop displays branded goods with impunity. Those items, while good, are churned out factory-like, without attention to precious detail as is the custom of Italian artisans. Or… perhaps in Beijing I didn’t know the right questions to ask.

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

Tokyo Narita Airport comfort

Tokyo Narita airport:  A jumble of travelers' belongings and precious air mattresses.

A jumble of travelers’ belongings and precious air mattresses.

Tokyo Narita airport: Delayed travelers whose flights had been cancelled could not even check in.
Delayed travelers whose flights had been cancelled could not even check in.

The weather was terrible when we visited Japan last month. There was a whole inch of snow on the ground, and slushy puddles to slog through. It seemed Tokyo was unused to clearing streets and sidewalks. (I’d rather have slush than what I experienced on my March 2011 visit to Tokyo: the earthquake and tsunami.) Our drive to the airport, usually an hour, took three and a half due to closed and clogged roads.

But no problem: flights at Tokyo Narita had been delayed or cancelled. The airport was crowded with huddled travelers, their luggage piled neatly or jumbled. Our flight, too, was delayed, but only by a few hours.

Tokyo Narita airport comfort

We spent the time in a sushi restaurant where we had a mediocre meal and good wifi. Others were not so lucky, but luckier than delayed travelers elsewhere. Tokyo Narita Airport had kindly distributed lengths of air mattress, similar to bubble-wrap. People were sleeping on them, propped against pillows of the stuff, and covered by it. Creative families built tidy fortresses with floors and walls of air.

What a way to make a miserable situation a little more bearable.

Tokyo Narita airport: Bubble-wrap fortress: more comfort than the digital aquarium in the background.
Bubble-wrap fortress: more comfort than the digital aquarium in the background.

Not Tokyo Narita airport
Lunch at the fabulous Aoki Sushi restaurant in Tokyo. Not the airport joint.

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

Kajsas fish soup, Stockholm

Kajsas fish soup

Kajsas fish soup

Kajsas fish soup
Fish soup with harissa and aioli—perfection.

I dream of Kajsas’ fish soup! Since I started visiting Kajsas Fiskbistron (fish bistro) in the 90s, I always order only that. It’s a hearty red broth stocked with fish like a dude ranch pond. Miraculously, the large tender filets are boneless.

Kajsas fish soup
Anyone who knows anything orders the fish soup at Kajsas Fisk.

When you order, you say yes or no to additional spoonfuls of cooked shrimp (yes!), shelled mussels (yes!), and aioli (absolutely!). Then you add your own double-dollop of harissa (spicy Moroccan chili paste) (essential!). Feast in a bowl!

The free “salad,” on my last visit a few days ago, was shredded napa cabbage, a nice, crunchy complement. I seem to remember other simple salads on other visits, but you don’t go for the salad. Bread is included, and so is water.

You can order other seafood dishes, but why? Plenty of tasty choices are on the blackboard menu, but only a few people seem to order them. They must be frequent visitors who work nearby. Just get the fish soup and swoon. There’s a bar, too, so you can have a beer with it if you like.

Located inside a top-quality food hall, Kajsas must source its fish from the neighboring seafood dealers—I’m presuming here—or maybe the restaurant buys from the same fishmongers the neighbors do. Regardless, you imagine you’re eating the fishermen’s own stew.

I love the atmosphere, even though the place is indoors, underground, in a market, with a giant, shiny Patagonian toothfish staring at me from between the octopus and baby squids in the glass counter across the aisle. It’s not romantic or scenic or high-design—just authentic, unpretentious, and efficient.

Kajsas Fiskbistron is in Hötorgshallen, in Hötorget, Stockholm. Take the escalator down to the food hall. Fish soup is SEK 90, about $14 with everything (at today’s exchange rate).

Kajsas fish soup
Kajsas is beside a fishmonger and a shop of gorgeous cheeses.

Kajsas fish soup
Cramped seating at shared tables, but it’s fine that way. Waiters maneuver skillfully.

Kajsas fish soup
There’s a bar area, and more comfortable seating at the opposite end.


© Copyright 2008-2013 Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.