The mosaic sidewalks of Portugal

Portuguese sidewalk artisan

I came across some calceteiros in the process of creating the gorgeous Portuguese mosaic sidewalks.

Portuguese sidewalk in progress

Portuguese mosaic sidewalk

In time, shoes polish the mosaics to a slippery shine.

Portuguese sidewalk

In Lisbon, a Carpet of Stone Beneath Their Feet is an excellent article on how calçada (patterned pavements) are made, the history of the mosaic pavements, and Escolas de Jardinagem e Calceteiros, a City school where this unique stone paving is taught. Highly recommended, if you enjoyed my little article.

All text & photos © copyright 2008-present. All rights reserved. Bambi Vincent

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  1. As someone commented, yes, these pavements are also common in Brazil and Macao because of the Portuguese presence in those places. Apparently the John Lennon memorial in Central Park also used this technique.
    When walking around downtown Lisbon you’ll also find a monument to these pavers on Rua da Vitoria in front of Sao Nicolau church. This page explains it all:

  2. These wonderful sidewalks are also common in Macau (and, reportedly, in Brasil)…

  3. […] hotel’s casual restaurant, Tipico, is excellent, and features a highly-polished version of Portugal’s mosaic sidewalks on the floor. Our room contained every convenience. […]

  4. We missed most of those streets, since we were in bed with severe jet lag. Your photos make me want to revisit Lisbon, this time awake.

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