Shopping cart pickpockets in grocery stores

Shopping cart pickpockets on the loose!

Shopping cart pickpocket steals wallets from unattended purses in shopping trolleys.
Shopping cart pickpocket steals wallets from unattended purses in grocery store shopping trolleys.

Just a reminder: don’t leave your purse in your grocery store shopping cart. It just takes a second while you choose a ripe avocado or compare product labels. You won’t know your wallet’s gone until you go to check out. Meanwhile. the shopping cart pickpocket will be long gone.

A certain brand of thief makes a career of this M.O. They stalk their marks and wait for the opportunity given them. Avoidance is simple: just keep your purse on your shoulder. Do not set it in the cart at all.

Here’s an example, but this happens everywhere. Especially, it seems, in Florida.

All text © copyright 2000-present. All rights reserved. Bambi Vincent

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  1. Yeah, I wondered that, too. It’s an Australian coastal town in New South Wales, north of Sydney.

  2. Where the hell is Nambucca?

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