Robbed in Barcelona

La Rambla, Barcelona
La Rambla, Barcelona

Seems everyone knows someone who’s been robbed in Barcelona. And sadly, the city we love to visit shows no signs of improvement on the thievery front.

But one man’s made it his mission, as they say, to warn visitors (in 20 languages!), to aggregate information on local theft, and to shame city officials into taking action. “Rob Daly” has created the activist website, with the mission statement: “We intend to use the power of the web, and the English language, to internationally embarrass Barcelona’s local authorities into taking action on pickpocketing. Visitors to Barcelona should have a look before their travels.

Many, though, will see the site only after it’s too late. That’s because Robbed In Barcelona has made it possible for victims of theft to notify the city’s mayor by filling out an online form. The site administrator will then forward the complaint at no charge, and send back the mayor’s reply, if there is one. Imagine the impact if every day hundreds of victims send complaints to the mayor’s office! (Imagine the work for the unpaid site administer!)

Obviously, it’s better to avoid that necessity by being travel-savvy before setting off. Browse Robbed In Barcelona to see local newspaper articles and tv news pieces translated into English, to read victims’ experiences, to bone up on the local thieves’ latest dirty tricks, and, if nothing else, to get a sense of just how serious the situation has become. There are also occasional guest posts—including one by yours truly on the infamous Ronaldinho football method of pickpocketing.

Robbed in Barcelona is doing much to make city officials aware that Barcelona’s residents and visitors are sick and tired of the current level of crime and want something done about it. Besides pressuring the mayor’s office with victims’ reports, and besides posting multilingual warnings to potential visitors, it singlehandedly assumed the role of chief forewarner to delegates attending last week’s Mobile World Congress, a huge convention that Barcelona’s crime rate threatens to chase away.

Know some people planning to visit the beautiful Catalan capital? Point them to Robbed in Barcelona before they go. And there’s more reading here:

Fully warned and aware; pickpocketed anyway: Yes, Barcelona’s pickpockets are that good. While we’re busy sightseeing, thieves are focused on finding the chink in our armor.

6,000 thefts per day on Barcelona visitors: How we calculate that astronomical figure in the city where the moola is mucho and the heat’s not so hot.

The Heart of a Thief: One of Barcelona’s most prolific pickpockets spills his guts.

Street Scams of Barcelona: Well over a hundred victims share their stories of theft and trickery. Add yours.

Robbed in Barcelona on Twitter: @RiBCN

Robbed in Barcelona on FaceBook

© Copyright 2008-2012 Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

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  1. I worked at the British Consulate -General in Barcelona as British Pro-Consul for 23 years and given that in my view Consular Services are now becoming less and less what the visitor needs have now formed an assistance service to help in these and other cases. We are called Callforhelp. Our web is

    If you need assistance in Barcelona, please contact us. We are experienced and accessible.

    Kndest regards

  2. Dear all,

    Sorry to hear about this. I was British Pro-Consul in Barcelona for 23 years and have now been politely asked to leave (due to the cuts). I have set up a company to assist All English Speakers who suffer these and all classes of problems while in Barcelona or in Spain. At least we can say that we can help you through the stress and worry at these difficult moments. Our details are below.

    Hope this will be useful for your visitors.

    Kindest Regards,

    Adrian Cox:

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