Panama Cannons: gangsters gone good, part 5 of 6

Angel's mother talks to Bob while Angel and Jaime play. Notice Jaime's prop.
Angel's mother talks to Bob while Angel and Jaime play. Notice Jaime's prop.

Panama City, Panama—Angel lives in the school building with his mother and assorted siblings. Aha! So that’s who’d done all the neat laundry hanging inside the school gate. Bob asked Angel to fetch his mother who, to our surprise, was not only willing to speak with a camera in her face, but did so in English. She used to work in a casino, which is how she learned English.

Angel was always different from his brothers, his mother explained. Eventually he stopped going to school, stayed out late, and didn’t listen to his mother. He’s changed a lot since he’s been in this program, she said. Now he’s good, he’s home every night, goes to bed early, and gets up early.

With reluctance, Angel's mother allowed me into her home. A television blared among the mattresses in the empty bedroom.
With reluctance, Angel's mother allowed me into her home. A television blared among the mattresses in the empty bedroom.

The audacious Bob Arno asked to see where she lives and where Angel sleeps. There’s no end to Bob’s impudence. He has no humility.

What thoughts of hope played in Angel’s mother’s mind as she led us to her “apartment?” Who are these impertinent snoops, she must have wondered, poking around here two days in a row, sometimes escorted by police chiefs, bodyguards, and interpreters? Foreign dignitaries? Potential benefactors? Deus ex machinas?

She shuffled to a wooden door and ordered Angel to get rid of the dogs yapping in front of a knee-high board. “I’m sorry. Be careful,” she said, pointing to the scrappy barrier.

I don't know who felt worse about this intrusion, Angel's mother, or I.
I don't know who felt worse about this intrusion, Angel's mother, or I.

“My wife will film it,” Bob said, manipulating me forward. I was mortified, ashamed by my violation of the poor woman’s privacy. But like the woman, I wasn’t given a choice, and it would have been more embarrassing to refuse. I couldn’t think how to stop on a dime after I’d been pushed down a slippery slope. I shouldered the offensive video camera and, with one eye on the viewfinder and the other watching my feet, stepped over the dogs at the door and the scrap of wood meant to keep them out of the room.

There was also a chest of drawers in the room, with all its drawers open and spilling clothes.
There was also a chest of drawers in the room, with all its drawers open and spilling clothes.

Angel’s mom showed me around, pointing out her possessions. She kept a running dialog, but I heard none of it, due to a blaring television, yapping dogs, and my extreme discomfort with this assignment.

Handicapped, double-jointed, or injured? ? A dog in Casco Antigua.
Handicapped, double-jointed, or injured? A dog in Casco Antigua.

This is part 5 of 6. —— Next. —— Part 1.

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1 Comment

  1. could Angel’s mother also have light fingers?

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