My travel stats

Just another hotel bed
Just another hotel bed

I’ve made 69 take-offs and landings so far this year. There will be nine this week. I’m holding reservations for 27 more this year—so far. I’ve stayed 89 nights in beds not my own, these first seven months, or on airplanes. This appears to be a downward trend.

Last year I made 115 take-offs and landings. I stayed 176 nights in beds not my own or on planes.

In 2006 there were 117 flights and 184 hotel nights. 199 hotel nights in 2005; 222 in 2004.

Getting there used to be half the fun. That is rarely the case now-a-days.

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  1. Traveled for the last 15 years of my career. Now retired and my friends ask me why I don’t want to do some traveling.
    Because I like sleeping in my own bed, eating home cooked meals, and not rushing to the gate or sitting in an uncomfortable seat. No more traveling for me.

  2. you make me jealous.
    can i get a job with you?!

  3. Do you ever wake up in the night and wonder where you are?

  4. ‘Getting there used to be half the fun. That is rarely the case now-a-days.’

    Been there, done that. After a few years – and I grew allergic far faster than you – all I could see was the beige on the hotel room walls was of a slightly different colour. Talk about a ‘big chill’. 😉

    Take care you both!

  5. ‘I stayed 176 nights in beds not my own’

    I’ve done that too. But always without leaving town. 😉

  6. ‘I’ve made 69 take-offs and landings so far this year. There will be nine this week.’

    I always figured you for the stay at home kind. 😉

  7. Hum….. think about all the different mites (and skin sloughing) you must be inhaling in all these different beds. I wonder if this could have any relationship to your level of allergies? Sorry for such a disgusting thought!!

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