Promised pictures of thiefhunting in Russia

Bambi's hiding spot in St. Petersburg, beside and behind a freestanding slab of concrete.
Bambi’s hiding spot in St. Petersburg, beside and behind a freestanding slab of concrete.

Were you waiting with bated breath for the promised pictures of the Russian ice cream seller and the stolen credit cards she retrieved from her rubbish bin? Were you trying to picture the pee-stained concrete slab I hid behind while filming the Mongolian thieves in St. Petersburg? If yes to either, you’re in luck. In my few days at home between trips, I’ve grabbed a few frames from the video and posted them to the story Bolshoi Bandits: more pickpockets in Russia.

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  1. Yes and yes! Great photos grab the story by the collar and immediately add a sense of tension.

    Don’t put yourself in harms way!

  2. For my non-Russian-speaking readers, Rick said:
    “There are too many pilferers in Russia.”

  3. Слишком много воров в России.

  4. Nice! Thanks.

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