How to smuggle diamonds

Broken leg

Intelligence was leaked: stolen diamonds were to be smuggled out of the country in the cast of a man with a broken limb. The airport was put on alert. The man’s flight number was known.

The man arrived as expected. He was in a wheelchair, his leg in a full cast. Security officers were polite and apologetic: “I’m sorry sir, we’ll have to examine your cast.”

The suspected smuggler was taken to the hospital. His cast was cut off, but nothing was found inside it. The plaster was crushed and sifted; still nothing was found. The man’s leg was visibly injured, and an x-ray revealed a fresh fracture.

Apologies were profuse and the man was allowed to call his surgeon to re-set the broken leg. The surgeon arrived and plastered his patient, who was then taken through security with a police escort, diamonds safely set in the still-wet cast.

© Copyright 2008-2009 Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

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  1. Nice

  2. Iwana join

  3. its relay easy to get uncut diamonds in Africa just ask some one in dark bad arias R 1000 can get you 25 diamonds and R 300 can get you 1 grams of pure gold

  4. I want to seel o smugle diamonds

  5. just want to ask if there is someone willing to sell smuggled diamonds here in my country, i have connections here. Please respond if there’s any interested to do business with me

  6. A Spaniard I met a few days ago told me this story, and I found it too cute to not share. Although almost all my posts are based on first-hand knowledge or research, this is not one of them. I have no personal knowledge of the scam;I just loved the cleverness of it. Anyone know more about the story’s origins?

  7. How did they find out? 😉 😉 😉

  8. What’s your source of this? It does sound like a move scenario!

  9. That is too cool. Too smart! 😉

  10. this has a long beard…

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