Hotel Oddity #50. Whose clothes are in the bed?

Clothes left in hotel bed?
Ew! What’s that in my bed?!

It’s my birthday, and we’re on the road, as usual. This time it’s an okay low-budget hotel in Anchorage. Our plan for a nice dinner was dashed due to the limited nearby options.

(At the diner with the best potential: “What’s best here?” “Well, we serve breakfast all day.” I can take a hint.)

After “breakfast,” I’m about to watch a film in bed, laptop on my lap. Bob says he’ll watch it with me, move over.

“Get on the other side,” I suggest lazily.

“No, move over,” he insists.

So I do. And under the covers, I feel something soft and loose. Something that doesn’t belong in a freshly pulled-back hotel bed.

Squeamish, I leap out of the bed, disgusted. “Ew, they didn’t change the linens! Someone’s left clothes in the bed! I have to call…”

I reach for the phone and Bob bursts out laughing.

“Look again,” he says. “It’s your birthday present!”

Yes, a dress. Beautiful. Funny. And so much more fun than tearing open wrapping paper.

© Copyright 2008-present Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

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1 Comment

  1. Hilarious! I love it. Bob has a secret sense of humor and is a great prankster. Terrific way to present a present.

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