Hotel oddity #30

Thief hangers
Thief hangers


That’s my hotel accusing me, before it even knows me. What kind of customer relations is that? I feel insulted when I find hangers like these in my room.

And I’m inconvenienced, adding further irritation toward the hotel. They’re annoying to use. The kind of anti-theft hangers with tiny hooks to fit thin bars are slightly less pesky—at least they’re not so fiddly to hang.

These hotel hookless hangers (what are they called?) are impossible for drying laundry. Unless you know how…

Thief hanger

I know I’m a bit peevish about hotels. You might be too, if you spent 250 nights a year in them. (Hangers are actually pretty low on my long list of hotel gripes. Much worse is an alarm clock that goes off due to a previous guest’s setting.)

Thief hanger

Must see: Portrait of a Hanger Thief

© Copyright 2008-2012 Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

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  1. If numbnutz thieving low life guests didnt steal everything not attached in a hotel, they woulnt be necessary… Just saying!

  2. HI,

    There is another solution as well. Google ConvertAHanger

    It’s a hook that attaches to the hook-less hotel hanger like you have posted.

  3. […] “Don’t worry, I don’t report hanger thieves,” I said. But I was glad to see his cold sweat. It’s thieves like him that cause hotels to install those maddening anti-theft hookless hangers. […]

  4. I agree, it is insulting, and also a real pain in the butt.

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