Hotel Oddity #21

Floor thing

I have no idea what this thing is. It’s on the floor in the carpet, in front of a window. About an inch and a half across, no screws in the holes that look like screwholes. I saw only one of them. With quite a bit of force, the rubbery center part can be depressed.

Floor thing close

Where were we? Somewhere in England. In a hotel, of course. I forgot to ask the front desk staff what the thing might anchor or support.

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  1. Thanks Fabian. What I neglected to say is that this is inside our room, near the foot of the bed, in front of a window. Not in a public space. I agree that it seems to be a thing for attaching a … thing.

  2. I think it can be to fix a lamp, or one of those posts with tape, as to direct the circulation of people standing in a line.

    In some hotels, the floors have alternate uses, so, maybe one year they are offices and next year they are rooms and they get redecorated.

    It can also be a holes for cables

  3. Well, YELM, I’ve become interested in the peculiarities and oddities of hotels, and I guess I now look for them. Considering how many nights I stay in hotels (200+ per year) I do have time to notice.

  4. I’d venture to bet that you are the only one to have ever noticed, let alone wondered about that most peculiar item.

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