Hotel lobby luggage theft #2

Lobby backpack

The scene: a hotel lobby, late morning.

Guests sit with their luggage, waiting for rides. Some are waiting to check in.

A man walks quickly through the lobby. He doesn’t notice when his wallet drops to the floor. A guest sees the wallet fall, runs over to pick it up, and chases after the man to return it.

Nice distraction, isn’t it?
On returning, the guest’s backpack is gone.

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  1. How do you know what direction it went off to?

  2. several years ago, I bought a device from The Sharper Image(the company went bankrupt and closed all its retail stores).

    It is a two part system. I keep a small 9V battery-size transmitter/alarm in my pocket. The other part is a slightly-larger version, which I keep in my carry-on case. When the two parts are more than 25-feet away, the alarm goes off. Very useful…. sadly, I dont’ know where I can buy another one after TSI went out of business.

  3. Oh that is so cute. Ouch.

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