The Hoodwinked show tour was a resounding success.
I’d like to credit the director, Jim Millan, for his vision and clever construction of the production. And con artist Todd Robbins, the brilliant writer and deliveryman of subtle humor, the best of which is stated under his breath, reserved for those paying attention.

Hoodwinked was reviewed at length here and here.
Someone gave it a nice compliment here.
And on Twitter, I saw: “Sun 23 Nov 08 | 02:56 GMT just got home from Hoodwinked, starring Todd Robbins, Banachek, Bob Arno, and Richard Turner. Fabulous! | twitter.com”

On 11/29/08 at iTricks.com, “FigaroTheParrot” wrote: “Just saw the show in Tarrytown, NY – highly recommended! Unless of course you are an insecure magician. These guys are going to make you feel inadequate. If you think yourself even close to proficient with a deck of cards, Richard Turner will literally scare you with how much you have yet to learn.”
I saw Hoodwinked in NY and loved it! We had kids from 12yrs to 16 and they liked it as much as the adults did. Especially because one in our party got called up on stage.
It’s a really different kind of show–laugh, learn, be amazed.
How about doing Hoodwinked in this part of the country!