
Just For Laughs
Just For Laughs

Montreal—Pardon this little interruption in the Russian Rip-off 5-part story. For our Canadian friends and fans, Bob and I would like to announce one of Bob’s rare public performances, in the new touring show Hoodwinked, premiering this week at the Just For Laughs festival in Montreal. Hoodwinked will play on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, July 15, 16, and 17, at the Gesù Theatre.

Hoodwinked : Prepare to be Conned

Bob Arno is the world’s most famous pickpocket. Years of research and first-hand observation of real street crime have made him an authority frequently consulted by police, security experts and television producers. Bob artfully blends the comedy and tragedy of thievery in his outrageous performances. Bob has been featured on ABC’s 20/20, CNN, the BBC, and National Public Radio, and he has been profiled in the New York Times and USA Today.

Banachek is a leading expert on psychological manipulation. At 18 he became a test subject at a heavily funded university psychic research facility. For two years, scientists closely studied and tested his “psychic” abilities. Using only his skills of deception, Banachek astounded the researchers and made them believe he truly was psychic. His live performance features demonstrations of subliminal influence and “cold reading” that are at once hilarious, fascinating and, at times, disturbing.

A well known authority on all things deceptive, Todd Robbins has been called the “king of New York con men” by the New York Times. He has used his expertise, gained by walking down the shady streets of fraud, on numerous TV programs and has consulted on various articles, documentaries and films. In April, Bloomsbury Books released his book The Modern Con Man: How to Get Something for Nothing.

Card mechanic Richard Turner is an expert on card cheating and sleight-of hand. He is respected within the international casino industry as one of the most skilled cheaters ever. Richard travels the world demonstrating his ability to cheat with cards undetectably. Endless practice and years of training result in card table mastership that is unsurpassed, and which can now be shared in Hoodwinked through the use of live video projection.

Hope to see some of you there.

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  1. […] In Paradise Blog: “Prepare to be conned” is the show’s subtitle. The cast is made up of four consummate con artists who manipulate, baffle, and social-engineer the audience until they don’t know what to believe. […]

  2. Sounds like fun! 🙂

  3. Sounds like a great show. Wish we could attend, but it would be a LONG drive.

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