Criminal on the loose

Police helicopter over my house.
Police helicopter over my house.

Why am I compelled to run outside every time I hear the police helicopter hovering over my house? If there’s a criminal on the loose, isn’t it possible, at least remotely possible, that he’ll run into my yard to hide? My eyes are riveted to the helicopter, but I watch the brick wall, too.

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  1. That shot of the helicopter tells me– don’t stand underneath it!

    Can it really be legal to hover so low over a private home?

  2. There may be good reason to run depending on who they are looking for and what that person did!

  3. What’s significant is they always seem to be circling over your house? 😉

    Happy holidays.

  4. There are arguments both ways as to where you’re safer. It’s not clear to me that being inside is safer.

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