English as a second language


Heard at the front desk:

“Checking out, sir?”
“Hope you enjoyed your stay. Your bill, sir…”
“How can I owe $670?”
“It’s only telephone charges, sir.”
“But I didn’t make that many calls. 40, 50 maybe…”
“Yes sir, that’s why your bill is $670.”
“But it’s written in the room ‘call 800 numbers free!'”
“Yes sir, 800-numbers are free—”
“They told me ‘no charge for 800 numbers!”
“Right, but—”
“I didn’t call 800! I called only 50 or 60 numbers!”
©copyright 2000-2009. All rights reserved. Bambi Vincent

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  1. funny!

  2. That’s what happens when american lingo goes universal. 🙂 The proper use of words would have been “toll-free”…

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