Bed bugs, we read, are living in hotels everywhere, dining on us. As a frequent hotel guest (200+ days a year for 16 years) I’m surprised that I’ve never noticed them. Mosquitos are attracted to me and I react badly to their bites. But bed bugs—I haven’t run into. Or maybe I repel them.
Kill bed bugs with heat
A large display at the recent California Tourism Safety and Security Conference caught my eye. The company provides a bed bug-baking service for any size space. Four hours at 130° does it, they say. Maybe less. Confidentially. So your neighbors (or other hotel guests) don’t know you’ve got bed bugs.
[…] insemination is worth mentioning as a follow up to my post on bed bugs in hotels. Male bed bugs, ScienceNews reports, “ignore the opening to the female reproductive […]
I am too horrified to even think of a clever response.
We had that on Crete. Our 2nd house. Horrible. We couldn’t figure out what it was. We contacted the owners. They just shrugged. S was working day and night online trying to find information. We were bitten mercilessly, spent a fortune on different medicines, and S has scars to this day I believe.
One day she caught one of the bastards, brought it down, inspected it, checked online. Then she had an idea what it was. (Up until now none of us had been sure what it was.)
She started pulling the fancy beds apart and found entire COLONIES of them in the bed wooding. Call the landlords again. Call the real estate agent. We tell the agent ‘we need some type of compensation for this’. Agent says ‘you shouldn’t think about that right now’. Landlords come by and lady does a great Oscar-winning crying performance. They order fumigators. This did cost them money but it should.
We left the house for about half a day as I remember. Welcome to Crete, home of ‘filoxenia’. 😉
They’re really gorgeous creatures – especially when seen in a colony. I’ll send some pix if S still has them. Great appetite booster before dinner. 😉
Do bed bugs bite? Maybe that accounts for some of the mosquito bites.