Barcelona bag-snatch and the lucky victims

Carrer de Ferran, Barcelona
Carrer de Ferran, Barcelona

Barcelona police are eager to report a theft when they catch the thief and return the victim’s property—if the following story is any indication. Makes the statistics look good! Boosts police reputation, too! This just in from Pia, a German woman visiting Barcelona for the first time. For once, a story with a happy ending.

Something similar to those stories [on the Thiefhunters’ Barcelona Scams page] happened to me & my friend just yesterday. It was on our first trip to Barcelona & of course we’d been warned that there are a lot pickpockets around.

We went out to have dinner at Port Olímpic, had a lot of Sangria & were just about to return to our hotel at around 2.30. At a bus station on ‘Carrer d’Álaba’ two guys walked toward us. One of them seemed to be drunk, they chatted & laughed. The other one had already passed us when the first slender one blocked my way. He was smirking & didn’t let me pass by. Instead he suddenly started touching my breasts & I immediately knew we were surrounded. I tried to get him off & started running around the bus station to escape. My friend was so shocked she stood almost petrified on the sidewalk. In a split second the one harassing me ran off down the street when in the very same moment I heard my friend yell in shock & scream “Let go of my purse!”

The first man had tried to catch our attention so the other one had the chance to grab whatever we carried along!

We both followed him as fast as we could when he ran off into the opposite direction & around the corner. While my friend was wearing heels, I had taken mine off before all had started so I was faster but still too slow to catch up. (I now doubt that I would’ve had a chance against him if I had been faster. )

Just in this very moment (everything was happening so fast!) I heard another man yell something about the ‘bolso’ & saw a huge guy follow the thief. When I finally got around the second corner, the big one was holding my friend’s purse, talking fiercely to the other one. For a moment I thought they were partners but then I glimpsed the gun on the tall guy’s belt & saw him grabbing the thief at the wrist, pushing him up against the wall, telling me to stay ‘al forno’. He’d been a undercover cop!

About a minute later 2 police cars pulled up & one of the officers arrested the thief, handcuffs & all that!

My friend had finally caught up with the scene & the tall cop handed her the purse.

They asked us for names & IDs & reported the attack. Of course we were shaking all over & 2 of the police officers drove us back to the hotel, making sure we were okay & got back safe.

La Rambla, Barcelona
La Rambla, Barcelona

We had SO much luck, it’s unbelievable! Nothing was stolen & we got away with no more than a real shock. It’s really unbelievable how easily you can be a victim of crime, especially when you’re a female.?We couldn’t have prevented this from happening, that’s what the police told us, too. Those thieves were just too strong, my friend couldn’t have held on to her bag any tighter. I think it is scary to know you’re not safe anywhere from scams & attacks, not even 100m from your hotel.
But we were so very lucky to have someone help us!

God bless those brave policemen & god bless those amazingly fast & long legs of the guy who saved us! 😉

© Copyright 2008-2012 Bambi Vincent. All rights reserved.

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  1. I just had a couple of good friends leave for Barcelona on Tuesday, 7/30/13. I will send them this link to read. I have another set of friends who are traveling to Barcelona and Spain in August for their anniversary. Great tips and advice. Could I summarize this article and include a link to this page on my blog at Thank you for all your great safety and security advice. Very useful.

  2. Noelle, those are two terrible things you said: that women should stay in at night, and that you were attacked at 7:30 a.m. I wish you’d say more about what happened to you.

  3. I would say that the best way for women to prevent an attack like this would be to not go out at nighttime, but since I was once attacked on a street at 7:30 a.m. the Barcelona police might be right!

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