Why no recent posts here?

Because… I’m busy writing a novel.

Cover for the novel "Cop + Robber:A love story … or a gypsy curse on a lovesick cop;" Based on a true story; by Bambi Vincent
Cover for the novel “Cop + Robber:
A love story … or
a gypsy curse on a lovesick cop;”
Based on a true story; by Bambi Vincent

All text and photos © copyright 2008-present. All rights reserved. Bambi Vincent

On the Jordan Harbinger show, Bob Arno, Professor of Pickpocketry, talks about… everything!

Bob Arno podcast on Jordan Harbinger Show

Listen to the latest Bob Arno interview on the Jordan Harbinger Show. This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 is below.


Bob Arno podcast on Jordan Harbinger Show
Bob Arno podcast on Jordan Harbinger Show at https://www.jordanharbinger.com/bob-arno-schooled-by-the-professor-of-pickpocketry-part-one/

Bob Arno is a comedy pickpocket and criminologist specializing in global street crime, is the co-author of Travel Advisory: How to Avoid Thefts, Cons, and Street Scams While Traveling, and was featured in National Geographic’s Pickpocket King documentary. [This is part one of a two-part episode. Stay tuned for part two later this week!]

What We Discuss with Bob Arno:

  • How Bob, the son of a judge, got involved in social engineering and pickpocketing for the purpose of entertainment.
  • Why pickpockets are commonly targeted by terrorist organizations for radicalization efforts.
  • How diversionary crime like pickpocketing has changed just like every other profession during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • How Bob is able to get close to real-life criminal pickpockets and learn their tricks of the trade without winding up in the hospital — or worse.
  • The psychology of a pickpocket — what they’re looking for in an ideal victim and what you can do to ensure you’re not that victim.
  • And much more…


Part 2:

All text & photos © copyright 2008-present. All rights reserved. Bambi Vincent